


  • Do you have a registry?

    Your presence is the greatest gift of all! However, if you wish to bring a gift, a contribution to our wishing well would be very much appreciated. We have partnered with Zola to build a small registry.

    Registry +

  • Am I allowed to bring a plus one or children?

    Due to the max. capacity of our venue, unless your invitation has specified a guest, we ask that you NOT bring a plus one.

    Again, due to the max. capacity of our venue, we ask that your child or children stay at home, unless specified on your invitation.

  • Will there be other events to attend on the wedding weekend?

    YES! Please check out our "Weekend Itinerary" page to learn more about upcoming events for our wedding weekend.

  • What is the dress code?

    The dress code is Festive Spring / Cocktail .

    Not sure what "festive" attire is? Read the full article below for more information.

    A Guide to Festive Attire +

  • What is the weather like in the area?

    March in LA is typically mild and bright, but please check the predicted weather forecast.

  • Will the reception be indoors or outdoors?

    Our reception will be outdoors in the garden of Redbird.

  • Is there parking available at the venue?

    Yes! Feel free to valet your vehicle at Redbird.

    Don't feel like driving? Take an Uber or Lyft!

  • Will there be accommodations for dietary restrictions?

    Of course! When you RSVP please note if you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions and we will try our best to accommodate.

  • Will there be an open bar?

    YES—let’s make pour decisions!